NDIS/Disabilty Courses for Individuals

We are excited to introduce NDIS Specific Training for Individuals

head2toe First Aid has years of experience delivering specialised training within the Disability Sector and understand the dynamic challenges that Support Workers face.

Our courses are delivered by our Nurse Trainers/Educators, all of whom are highly skilled at creating a practical, engaging and relaxed learning environment that caters for all learning styles. The content, delivery and assessments are designed to ensure that that you leave feeling confident with knowledge gained and skills learnt.

Our Courses

Our comprehensive, industry specific courses are mapped against relevant NDIS Standards to ensure they fulfill current NDIS requirements.

Assist with Medication (non-accredited)

Learning Objectives:

On completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Demonstrate principles and practical skills of safe medication storage, administration, and documentation within scope of practice.
  • Understand, discuss and demonstrate the “Rights” of administering medication and checking
  • Discuss legal issues, reporting, common challenges and medication
  • Explain appropriate emergency and escalation

Course content:

  • Legislation, policies, and Duty of Care
  • Documentation including how to read a medication chart, incident forms
  • In-depth review of the “Rights” of medication administration
  • Practical application of the “Rights” of medication administration
  • Storage of Medication
  • Doseaids
  • Errors/challenges, escalation process
  • Practical partner-work session on current best practice for administering eye drops, ear drops, nasal spray, topical creams (medicated and non-medicated), MDI and space, EpiPen


Approx 30mins of online pre-course work, followed by 4hrs of face-to-face training and assessment


  • Multiple choice questions
  • Competency based sign off for the safe administration of medication from a dose aid and original packet (scenario based)


Non-accredited Certificate issued by head2toe First Aid upon successful completion of all assessment criteria

Seizure Management with Midazolam Administration (Non-Accredited)

Learning outcomes:

At the conclusion of the session participants will:

  • Be able to describe what is occurring when someone has a seizure
  • Understand the role of a DSW in supporting clients with a seizure disorder
  • Be able to recognise when their client is having a seizure
  • Be able to follow a Seizure Management plan
  • Be able to carry out the appropriate first aid when someone is having a seizure
  • Be able to recognise and minimise exposure to seizure triggers
  • Understand the role of Midazolam in seizure first aid
  • Be able to identify how Midazolam should be stored and recorded
  • Be able to identify the common side effects of Midazolam
  • Be able to safely follow a Seizure Management Plan and order for Midazolam
  • Be able to demonstrate safe intra-nasal administration of Midazolam
  • Understand Documentation requirements related to a seizure

Course content:

  • Basic physiology of a seizure
  • What is the role of a Support Worker when supporting a client with a seizure disorder?
  • Seizure symptoms/Types of seizures
  • Seizure Triggers
  • Seizure management plans
  • Seizure first aid
  • Seizure Monitoring
  • The role of midazolam in seizure first aid
  • Safe storage and administration of Midazolam
  • Midazolam side effects
  • Documentation


75min facetoface


  • Multiple choice questions
  • Practical signoff managing a seizure and administering midazolam to a manikin intranasally


Non-accredited Certificate issued by head2toe First Aid upon successful completion of all assessment criteria

Courses are held at Apex Park Community Centre (West Beach) on the following dates:

  • 2 Dec
  • 2025 dates to follow

Assist with Medication, 9.30am-1.30pm, $125, (*approx. 30mins of pre-course to be completed prior)

Assist with Medication AND Seizure Management with Midazolam Administration, 9.30am-3pm, $150, (*approx. 30mins of pre-course to be completed prior)

Please note the finish time is based on a max of 12 people and may vary based on actual attendance numbers.

What People Say

CLA_ICT Account
February 21, 2024

This is the second time I have attended head to toe medication training with Karyn. It is one of the best I have attended over my 14 years in disability. You offer a relaxed, positive environment but still provide a thorough training that allows workers to be confident in their role administering medication. Thank you for an enjoyable, informative session

AusKiwi Adventures
December 29, 2023

Karyn presented a great and thorough training experience for all of our staff. She was able to cater for those who were doing a refresher as well as for those who were first timers. Would definitely recommend her to anyone whishing to be credentialled in medication administration and seizure management.

ramesh pyakurel
October 3, 2023

**Fantastic Training** I attended the medication and midazolam training and it was exceptional! The trainer's (Heather)expertise and engaging approach made learning easy and enjoyable. Thank you for a valuable experience!