NDIS/Disabilty Courses for Organisations

We are excited to introduce NDIS Specific Training for Organisations

head2toe First Aid has years of experience delivering specialised training within the Disability Sector and understand the challenges of meeting the diverse range of training needs within a workforce.

Our proven experience in working closely with Disability Service Providers means that we offer flexible training solutions to meet the needs of both the Organisation and Staff. Wherever possible, we contextualise our courses to incorporate Organisational specific information and scenarios to provide consistent and high-quality training across your workforce. 

Our courses are delivered by our Nurse Trainers/Educators, all of whom are highly skilled at creating a practical, engaging and relaxed learning environment that caters for all learning styles

Our training goes beyond ticking a box!

Our Team provides a holistic and cost-effective service by working with an Organisation to ensure that we have tailored a training solution to your needs.  This includes appropriate administration support, delivery of courses, certification and consulting services.

Courses can be delivered individually or packaged with other competencies and are available in different delivery options to create a tailored training session for your staff. 

We specialise in tailoring training delivery to meet the needs of workflow without compromising on quality.

Our Courses

Our comprehensive, industry specific courses are mapped against relevant NDIS Standards to ensure they fulfill current NDIS requirements.

Assist with Medication (non-accredited)

Learning Objectives:

On completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Demonstrate principles and practical skills of safe medication storage, administration, and documentation within scope of practice
  • Understand, discuss and demonstrate the “Rights” of administering medication and checking procedures
  • Discuss legal issues, reporting, common challenges and medication errors
  • Explain appropriate emergency and escalation processes and associated documentation

Course content:

  • Legislation, policies, and Duty of Care
  • Documentation including how to read a medication chart, incident forms
  • In-depth review of the “Rights” of medication administration
  • Practical application of the “Rights” of medication administration
  • Storage of Medication
  • Dose aids
  • Errors/challenges, escalation processes
  • Practical session on current best practice for administration techniques including: eye drops, ear drops, nasal spray, topical creams (medicated and non-medicated), MDI and spacer, Adrenaline Auto-injector


Approx 30mins of online pre-course work, followed by 4hrs of face to face training and assessment


  • Multiple choice questions
  • Competency based sign off for the safe administration of medication from a dose aid and original packet (scenario based)

Max number of Participants



Non-accredited Certificate issued by head2toe First Aid upon successful completion of all assessment criteria

Seizure Management with Midazolam Administration (Non-Accredited)

Learning outcomes:

At the conclusion of the session participants will:

  • Have a good general understanding of seizures
  • Understand the role of a Support Worker in supporting clients with a seizure disorder
  • Be able to recognise when their client is having a seizure
  • Be able to follow a Seizure Management plan
  • Be able to carry out the appropriate first aid when someone is having a seizure
  • Be able to recognise and minimise exposure to seizure triggers
  • Understand the role of Midazolam in seizure first aid
  • Be able to identify how Midazolam should be stored and recorded
  • Be able to identify the common side effects of Midazolam
  • Be able to safely follow a Seizure Management Plan and order for Midazolam
  • Be able to demonstrate safe intra-nasal administration of Midazolam
  • Understand Documentation requirements related to a seizure

Course content:

  • Basic physiology of a seizure
  • What is the role of a Support Worker when supporting a client with a seizure disorder?
  • Seizure symptoms/Types of seizures
  • Seizure Triggers
  • Seizure management plans
  • Seizure first aid
  • Seizure Monitoring
  • The role of midazolam in seizure first aid
  • Safe storage and administration of Midazolam
  • Midazolam side effects
  • Documentation


Full face to face: 75min face to face

Online with face to face : 45 mins online pre-course plus 30 mins face to face.


  • Multiple choice questions (plus short answer if online delivery)
  • Practical signoff managing a seizure and administering midazolam to a manikin intranasally

Max number of Participants

12 if delivered together with Assist with Medication training, 16 if delivered as a single competency


Non-accredited Certificate issued by head2toe First Aid upon successful completion of all assessment criteria

Pressure Injury Prevention and Care for Support Workers (non-accredited)

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, the participant will:

  • Understand the scope of their responsibilities relating to pressure injury prevention and care
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of other workers and allied health professionals as they relate to Pressure injury prevention and care
  • Describe how Pressure injuries develop and identify common areas of concern
  • Identify risk factors for developing a pressure injury
  • Identify effective Pressure Area prevention strategies and understand how to safely follow a plan to implement them
  • Describe the function of and carry out basic troubleshooting procedures for basic equipment used to support pressure injury management
  • Assess for and appropriately escalate Participants at high risk of a pressure injury and early warning signs of a pressure injury
  • Correctly carry out reporting responsibilities including handover, recording observations and incident reporting

Outline of Course

  • Introduction to Pressure Injuries and their development
  • Risk Factors for Pressure Injuries
  • Roles and responsibilities of Disability Support Worker in relation to Pressure injuries
  • Early warning signs of Pressure Injury
  • Escalation process
  • Reporting responsibilities


60mins online

*face to face delivery available on request


  • Multiple choice and short answer questions


Non-accredited Certificate issued by head2toe First Aid upon successful completion of all assessment criteria

Enteral Feeding and Management for Disability Support Workers (non-accredited)

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 by head2toe First Aid

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course the Participant will be able to:

  • Understand the indications for Enteral Feeding
  • Understand the role and benefits of Enteral Feeding
  • Describe the roles of Health Care Professionals involved in providing Enteral Feeding support
  • Create a safe environment for Enteral feeding
  • Correctly monitor for, identify and safely respond to common complications of Enteral feeding
  • Correctly escalate any identified complications or risk indicators of Enteral Feeding
  • Correctly monitor and care for the Stoma site
  • Understand and follow a feeding plan
  • Demonstrate knowledge of correct infection control processes for Enteral feeding including cleaning/care/storge of equipment and formula
  • Describe the differences in techniques for administering an Enteral Feed
  • Identify the range of Enteral feeding equipment available and correctly describe their function
  • Demonstrate the safe administration of an Enteral Feed
  • Identify correct techniques to administer Medication via an Enteral tube

Course content:

  • Basic Anatomy associated with Enteral feeding
  • Enteral feeding indications and benefits
  • Enteral feed formulas
  • Enteral feed equipment and use
  • Methods of Enteral feed administration
  • How to prepare and deliver an Enteral feed
  • Ongoing care of an Enteral tube, associated equipment and Stoma
  • Complications of Enteral feeding


  • Multiple choice questions
  • Group Scenarios
  • Partner work with a Flocare Infinity pump
  • Competency based practical assessment of demonstrating Enteral feeding


2.5 hr full face to face delivery

Max number of Participants



Issued by Allens Training Pty Ltd, RTO 90909

This certificate has an industry recommended renewal period of 12 months

Novita has engaged head2toe First Aid over the past few years to provide high quality training programs to our workforce of more than 400 support workers across metropolitan Adelaide and regional areas of South Australia. Training programs have had online and face-to-face components with assessment or knowledge and skills built in.

Karyn and her team are flexible, professional and knowledgeable and have successfully created positive learning environments for our staff. The team proactively seek feedback and adjust their approach to address any areas needed.

Karyn has worked collaboratively with Novita to develop bespoke training programs and deliver them on a large scale to address emerging training needs for our staff, within their scope of practice. Karyn has supported Novita to align our staff training programs with practice standards and quality indicators, including the skills and knowledge our staff require to support clients with high intensity daily personal activities.

Head2toe consistently go above and beyond to set our staff up for success. We use head2toe for multiple training programs and would not hesitate to recommend them.

Coralee Sheldon
General Manager Community Services